Romania clears 1.5 GWh wind and solar capacities under CfD scheme

Romania’s Ministry of Energy announced on December 16 that it has completed the evaluation of the financial offers submitted by participants in the first Contracts for Difference (CFD) auction in Romania, and contracts for over 1,500MW of new green energy production capacity have been awarded.
Out of a total of 48 bids submitted for both technologies, 47 were declared eligible to enter the financial evaluation stage, reported. The total bid for onshore wind was 1,196 MW, and for photovoltaic, 1,615 MW.
Following the evaluation of the financial offers, 21 applicants will be declared winners, namely 11 applicants for solar photovoltaic, totaling a total capacity of 432 MW, and 10 applicants for onshore wind with a total capacity of 1,096 MW.
Thus, the cumulation of the capacities declared winners – 1,528 MW – will allow reaching the threshold assumed by the national Resilience Facility plan PNRR for signing contracts for difference for the production of energy from renewable sources of 1,500 MW.
Following the analysis of the winning bids, the following estimated weighted average exercise prices for the first round of CfDs resulted: EUR 65 per MWh for the production of electricity from onshore wind sources, EUR 51 per MWh for the production of electricity from solar photovoltaic sources.
The minimum and maximum exercise prices offered and declared winners for each technology were EUR 77.33 respectively EUR 54.49 for onshore wind farms, and EUR 54.18 respectively 45.05 per MWh for solar farms.
Each of the winning bidders will sign contracts for the difference at the offered strike price.
(Photo source: Oleg Kryuchko/