Romania's former EU Commissioner Adina Vălean ranked among most influential MEPs

The European publication Politico included Adina Vălean (PNL, PPE) in a ranking of MEPs worth watching in the new mandate of the European Parliament.
Vălean has been Commissioner for Transport in the European Commission for the last five years. She entered the European Parliament on the joint PSD-PNL lists in 2024.
Politico highlights that Vălean had to negotiate delicate dossiers concerning the road, rail, maritime, and aviation sectors in the last five years. She also had to deal with border closures within the single market due to COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine, including the establishment of solidarity lanes with the country invaded by Russia.
While Romania could pick her again as a commissioner, the chances of a second mandate at the Berlaymont for Vălean seem slim, however, according to Politico.
(Photo source: Facebook/Adina Valean)