2024 is almost over, and before making any predictions, hopes or wishes for 2025, I will take this moment to look back
Romanian-born actor Sebastian Star received two 2025 Golden Globe nominations for best performance of a male actor for...
Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii/Three kilometers to the end of the world, the latest feature directed by Emanuel...
Romanian director Radu Jude's Nu Aștepta Prea Mult de la Sfîrșitul Lumii/Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the...
A 74-year-old woman named Gherghina from the southern Romanian county of Teleorman stars in the new Nosferatu film along...
American streaming giant Netflix has just released the first teaser of its new Romanian cyber-spy series Subteran. The...
As I was scrolling through Eventbook, the ubiquitous ticket-selling platform for most cultural venues in Romania, the...
Romanian-born actor Sebastian Star received two 2025 Golden Globe nominations for best performance of a male actor for...
Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii/Three kilometers to the end of the world, the latest feature directed by Emanuel...
Romanian director Radu Jude's Nu Aștepta Prea Mult de la Sfîrșitul Lumii/Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the...
A 74-year-old woman named Gherghina from the southern Romanian county of Teleorman stars in the new Nosferatu film along...
American streaming giant Netflix has just released the first teaser of its new Romanian cyber-spy series Subteran. The...
As I was scrolling through Eventbook, the ubiquitous ticket-selling platform for most cultural venues in Romania, the...