Romanian man runs distance from Romania to Germany for Euro 2024

Daniel Horhogea, a 40-year-old Romanian, has run the distance from Romania to the host country of the UEFA Euro 2024 tournament, Germany. This is the second time that he has chosen to support the national team in this way, after a similar iniviative in 2016.
This year's journey lasted 25 days and covered a total of around 1,400 kilometers.
A Dinamo fan, Daniel Horhogea started from the "Ștefan cel Mare" Stadium in Bucharest and finished in front of the Munich Fussball Arena, where Romania played its first match at Euro 2024 against Ukraine.
"You need a dose of courage to complete (such a journey). You might also have problems; I had swollen ankles and shin issues, but these are medical problems you can manage with a bit of physiotherapy, massage, and some medication. But mentally, every morning you need to wake up and have a plan. I didn’t have anything structured; it was an unknown, and I came across great people,” he told Romania’s Football Federation.
People welcomed Horhogea into their homes, cooked for him, gave him a ride when it was pouring outside, and then bought him warm tea, even if they didn’t speak English. Others trusted him with the key to their apartment so he could rest.
"What I did is not a competition; it’s a journey," said Daniel.
If there's something he learned during his nearly month-long adventure, it's to have no expectations, and he applies the same mindset to Romania's Euro 2024 journey that begins in Munich.
"The 25 days of travel taught me not to have expectations. I just want the players to fight for the National Team. Every generation has its own path and the desire to achieve something – I believe in these boys. I saw the dedication,” Horhogea said.
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