Romania already cashed RON 5.6 bln from tax amnesty

The Romanian Ministry of Finance collected RON 5.6 billion (EUR 1.1 billion) from the tax amnesty so far, in the context in which the target of this initiative was revised in November to RON 5.6-6 billion.
Thus, by the deadline of November 25, 202,479 companies and individuals requested to benefit from amnesty, of which 99,758 requests were rejected.
Of the 50,390 approved applications, the state collected RON 5.61 billion from taxpayers prior to August 31 (the date until which the amnesty applies) and forgave tax obligations (interest and accessories for companies, and for the population additionally and deletions from the principal ) worth RON 4.59 billion, according to
ANAF still has 52,331 requests pending, in the context in which the deadline for resolving requests was extended until December 19. The deadline for applying for amnesty was November 25.
(Photo source: Juan Moyano/