Romanian Consumer Protection Agency issues fines worth RON 500,000 to 40 electricity providers

Romania’s Consumer Protection Agency, or ANPC, recently fined approximately 40 electricity providers nationwide with RON 500,000 (EUR 100,000) citing irregularities, including bills not issued according to contracts and unclear information about the final price provided to consumers.
The institution conducted a series of inspections across the country between September 23 and October 4 to verify compliance with legal provisions in the field of electricity supply services. A total of 111 economic operators were inspected, and 39 were found with problems.
A total of 42 fines were issued, aside from warnings and complementary issues, including website corrections and the cessation of unfair commercial practices.
“We will continue to monitor the fairness of essential service provision, ensuring compliance with the law and penalizing any violations,” declared Sebastian Hotca, interim president of ANPC.
The most significant deficiencies found include the non-issuance of bills in accordance with signed contracts, the failure to include the billing period and acceptance method in the offer, inadequate information of consumers regarding final price, unfair commercial practices, failure to issue bills monthly for prosumers and more.
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