2024 EU Parliament elections in Romania: The parties, the candidates and their programs

07 June 2024

The local campaign for the EU Parliament elections was largely overshadowed by that for the local elections, overlapping as the two election rounds take place on the same day, June 9. Below, we outline the candidates of the main parties and political alliances, and the themes of their programs.

Voters in Romania will elect 33 members of the European Parliament this year. The number of MEPs elected from each EU country is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, meaning each MEP from a larger country represents more people than an MEP from a smaller country. Romania uses closed lists, where voters choose lists of candidates proposed by parties and alliances, which have to attain at least 5% of the total valid votes cast at the national level.

If at the 2019 EP elections, the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Social Democratic Party (PSD) ran separately – receiving 27% and 22.5% of the votes – this year's round sees the two together, with a shared list of candidates. The Popular Movement Party (PMP) and the Save Romania Union (USR), which also ran separately at the previous elections, are now part of the United Right Alliance (ADU). At the same time, the hard-right party (AUR), which delivered the big surprise of the 2020 elections after managing to make the threshold for entering the Parliament, is not proposing its first representatives in the European Parliament.

The PSD – PNL alliance

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL), currently partners in the governing coalition, decided to run together in the EU Parliament elections. The two parties have presented a list of candidates featuring former ministers, current MEPs, a European commissioner, and a contender for the job of Bucharest mayor.

The alliance's list of candidates includes current European commissioner for transport Adina Vălean (PNL), former prime minister and current MEP Mihai Tudose (PSD), former Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea (PSD), who is standing for the job this year as well, former defense minister Vasile Dîncu (PSD), as well as MEP Victor Negrescu (PSD), a vice-chair of the Committee on Culture and Education. On the PNL side, the list includes current MEP Siegfried Mureşan, a vice-chair of the Group of the European People's Party, current MEP and former Arad mayor Gheorghe Falcă, former energy minister Virgil Popoescu, and deputy in Romania's Parliament Alexandru Muraru. All candidates are listed here.

The alliance promises to work on issues such as Romania's full Schengen accession, increased subsidies for farmers, measures to support Romanian food exports in the EU, and more EU and state funding for research and innovation, among others.

The United Right Alliance (ADU)

The United Right Alliance (ADU), encompassing the Save Romania Union (USR), the People's Movement Party (PMP), and Forța Dreptei, has on its lists of candidates deputies and two MEPs, but also a mayor, deputy mayor, and a senator. Among them are former deputy PM and former USR president Dan Barna, former health minister Vlad Voiculescu, People's Movement Party president Eugen Tomac, and former minister of labor and social protection Violeta Alexandru. The candidates are listed here.

The alliance has proposed a program covering 12 points, among them Romania's full Schengen accession; economic stability by joining the Eurozone, and a focus on industrialization, trade and innovation; continuing the fight against corruption; bringing the education and healthcare sectors to the EU standards; using EU funds for modernization; and protecting the rights of Romanian workers in Europe.

Renewing Romania's European Project - REPER

REPER, which broke off from the Save Romania Union (USR) in 2022, has on its list some of Romania's most prominent MPEs, among them Dragoș Pîslaru, who heads the EP's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs; Ramona Strugariu, a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and one of the VPs of New Europeans, the alliance bringing together French President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party and other French, Romanian, Polish and Danish parties. Also on REPER's list of European Parliament candidates is REPER founder Dacian Cioloș, a former prime minister of Romania, European commissioner for agriculture, and USR leader. The list of REPER candidates is available here.

REPER is proposing an 11-point program highlighting aspects such as bringing the problems of children and youth to the forefront; a plan to combat poverty in Romania's most underdeveloped areas; the fight against corruption and upholding European values; taking action in favor of farmers; and Romania's full Schengen and Eurozone accession, among others.

The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR)

The party, which aims to represent the significant Hungarian minority of Romania, has among its candidates current MEPs Iuliu Winkler, Lorant-Gyorgy Wincze, and former deputy Zsolt Szilagyi. The list of candidates is here.

UDMR's program includes themes such as support for EU norms in protecting minorities, attracting EU funds for development, more jobs for the young, keeping the decision of migration topics at national level, supporting local farmers and products, and an ecological transition that is fair not forced.

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR)

AUR has presented a list of candidates that includes university professors, lawyers, and directors in the public and private sectors. The party has a platform that promotes a "sovereign Romania in Europe," combating poverty, and EU funds for small businesses in rural areas, among others.

Other parties are on the ballot at the upcoming EU Parliament elections, among them S.O.S. Romania, the United Diaspora party, Socialist Romania, and the Right Alternative.

The list of candidates is available on the website of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).

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(Photo: Vadreams | Dreamstime.com)



2024 EU Parliament elections in Romania: The parties, the candidates and their programs

07 June 2024

The local campaign for the EU Parliament elections was largely overshadowed by that for the local elections, overlapping as the two election rounds take place on the same day, June 9. Below, we outline the candidates of the main parties and political alliances, and the themes of their programs.

Voters in Romania will elect 33 members of the European Parliament this year. The number of MEPs elected from each EU country is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, meaning each MEP from a larger country represents more people than an MEP from a smaller country. Romania uses closed lists, where voters choose lists of candidates proposed by parties and alliances, which have to attain at least 5% of the total valid votes cast at the national level.

If at the 2019 EP elections, the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Social Democratic Party (PSD) ran separately – receiving 27% and 22.5% of the votes – this year's round sees the two together, with a shared list of candidates. The Popular Movement Party (PMP) and the Save Romania Union (USR), which also ran separately at the previous elections, are now part of the United Right Alliance (ADU). At the same time, the hard-right party (AUR), which delivered the big surprise of the 2020 elections after managing to make the threshold for entering the Parliament, is not proposing its first representatives in the European Parliament.

The PSD – PNL alliance

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL), currently partners in the governing coalition, decided to run together in the EU Parliament elections. The two parties have presented a list of candidates featuring former ministers, current MEPs, a European commissioner, and a contender for the job of Bucharest mayor.

The alliance's list of candidates includes current European commissioner for transport Adina Vălean (PNL), former prime minister and current MEP Mihai Tudose (PSD), former Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea (PSD), who is standing for the job this year as well, former defense minister Vasile Dîncu (PSD), as well as MEP Victor Negrescu (PSD), a vice-chair of the Committee on Culture and Education. On the PNL side, the list includes current MEP Siegfried Mureşan, a vice-chair of the Group of the European People's Party, current MEP and former Arad mayor Gheorghe Falcă, former energy minister Virgil Popoescu, and deputy in Romania's Parliament Alexandru Muraru. All candidates are listed here.

The alliance promises to work on issues such as Romania's full Schengen accession, increased subsidies for farmers, measures to support Romanian food exports in the EU, and more EU and state funding for research and innovation, among others.

The United Right Alliance (ADU)

The United Right Alliance (ADU), encompassing the Save Romania Union (USR), the People's Movement Party (PMP), and Forța Dreptei, has on its lists of candidates deputies and two MEPs, but also a mayor, deputy mayor, and a senator. Among them are former deputy PM and former USR president Dan Barna, former health minister Vlad Voiculescu, People's Movement Party president Eugen Tomac, and former minister of labor and social protection Violeta Alexandru. The candidates are listed here.

The alliance has proposed a program covering 12 points, among them Romania's full Schengen accession; economic stability by joining the Eurozone, and a focus on industrialization, trade and innovation; continuing the fight against corruption; bringing the education and healthcare sectors to the EU standards; using EU funds for modernization; and protecting the rights of Romanian workers in Europe.

Renewing Romania's European Project - REPER

REPER, which broke off from the Save Romania Union (USR) in 2022, has on its list some of Romania's most prominent MPEs, among them Dragoș Pîslaru, who heads the EP's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs; Ramona Strugariu, a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and one of the VPs of New Europeans, the alliance bringing together French President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party and other French, Romanian, Polish and Danish parties. Also on REPER's list of European Parliament candidates is REPER founder Dacian Cioloș, a former prime minister of Romania, European commissioner for agriculture, and USR leader. The list of REPER candidates is available here.

REPER is proposing an 11-point program highlighting aspects such as bringing the problems of children and youth to the forefront; a plan to combat poverty in Romania's most underdeveloped areas; the fight against corruption and upholding European values; taking action in favor of farmers; and Romania's full Schengen and Eurozone accession, among others.

The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR)

The party, which aims to represent the significant Hungarian minority of Romania, has among its candidates current MEPs Iuliu Winkler, Lorant-Gyorgy Wincze, and former deputy Zsolt Szilagyi. The list of candidates is here.

UDMR's program includes themes such as support for EU norms in protecting minorities, attracting EU funds for development, more jobs for the young, keeping the decision of migration topics at national level, supporting local farmers and products, and an ecological transition that is fair not forced.

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR)

AUR has presented a list of candidates that includes university professors, lawyers, and directors in the public and private sectors. The party has a platform that promotes a "sovereign Romania in Europe," combating poverty, and EU funds for small businesses in rural areas, among others.

Other parties are on the ballot at the upcoming EU Parliament elections, among them S.O.S. Romania, the United Diaspora party, Socialist Romania, and the Right Alternative.

The list of candidates is available on the website of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).

Romania's 2024 elections: The calendar announced so far

Romania's 2024 elections: The candidates for the Bucharest mayor seat

Romania's 2024 elections: Bucharest mayoral race full up as PSD, PNL candidates join in

Romania's 2024 elections: The race for the big cities

(Photo: Vadreams | Dreamstime.com)





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