Romanian language lesson: About weather (despre vreme)

Let's learn some usual phrases about the weather.
vremea este frumoasă – engl. the weather is beautiful
vremea este urâtă – engl. the weather is bad
vremea e înnorată – engl. the weather is clouded
vremea e ploioasă – engl. the weather is rainy
plouă – engl. it is raining
ninge – engl. it is snowing
cerul e senin – engl. the sky is clear
vremea este constantă / instabilă – engl. the weather is constant / unstable
este ceață – engl. it is foggy
soarele arde – engl. the sun is burning
vremea este schimbătoare – engl. the weather is unsteady
zăpada se topește – engl. the snow is melting
timpul este răcoros – engl. the weather is cool
ploile sunt izolate – engl. the rains are isolated
se încălzește – engl. it is warming
-"Vremea" is a feminine word; that means that the noun-adjective agreement has to be in the feminine:
Incorrect: *Vremea este frumos.
Correct: Vremea este frumoasă.
-The verbs "a ploua" (to rain) and "a ninge" (to snow) have only one form (the 3rd person singular).
In the Past, the verb forms are:
a plouat (it rained)
a nins (it snowed)
In the Future, the verb forms are:
va ploua = o să plouă (it will rain)
va ninge = o să ningă (it will snow)
Mona Pologea, Ph.D. Linguist
Managing Director ROLANG School