(P) Build a Superior Service Culture

27 April 2017

What is Superior Service Culture?

Organizations that build a Superior Service Culture create an environment with a shared understanding of fundamental service principles and common language to speak about and deliver superior service.

In a Superior Service Culture, everyone is educated, motivated, recognized and rewarded for creating increasing value for customers and colleagues.

A Superior Service Culture must be intentionally designed, developed and sustained over time. A proven architecture of service education, leadership, momentum and support can be applied to successfully engineer a Superior Service Culture throughout your organization.

Why bother?

Organizations that provide superior service – and constantly step up to new levels – create value for customers beyond the usual comparisons of price, features and specifications.

This deepens your relationship with customers, earning higher volumes, margins and profits. This differentiates you from the competition and leads to a sustainable competitive advantage.

What’s next?

At a macroeconomic level, service industries are replacing manufacturing, agriculture and resource exploitation as a cornerstone of economic growth in developed and developing countries.

In developed countries, the impact of globalization, commoditization and ease of switching suppliers means customers have more choice. Organizations must work smarter to create profitable relationships and sustain customer loyalty.

Service excellence is no longer the exclusive domain of hospitality, retail and food and beverage sectors. Internet technology, trade liberalization and maturing markets have increased competitive intensity across many industries including medical, financial and professional services, technology, telecommunications, manufacturing and even government sectors.

As customers become increasingly sophisticated and expectations rise, what delights customers today is merely normal tomorrow. Superior service is now a moving target.
Customer service training alone cannot keep pace.

To win in today’s world, you must build a Superior Service Culture.

Experience live workshop with Ron Kaufman on June 9th, 2017 at Athenee Palace Hilton. Click here to Learn more!

Author of this article: Ron Kaufman

(p) - this article is an advertorial


(P) Build a Superior Service Culture

27 April 2017

What is Superior Service Culture?

Organizations that build a Superior Service Culture create an environment with a shared understanding of fundamental service principles and common language to speak about and deliver superior service.

In a Superior Service Culture, everyone is educated, motivated, recognized and rewarded for creating increasing value for customers and colleagues.

A Superior Service Culture must be intentionally designed, developed and sustained over time. A proven architecture of service education, leadership, momentum and support can be applied to successfully engineer a Superior Service Culture throughout your organization.

Why bother?

Organizations that provide superior service – and constantly step up to new levels – create value for customers beyond the usual comparisons of price, features and specifications.

This deepens your relationship with customers, earning higher volumes, margins and profits. This differentiates you from the competition and leads to a sustainable competitive advantage.

What’s next?

At a macroeconomic level, service industries are replacing manufacturing, agriculture and resource exploitation as a cornerstone of economic growth in developed and developing countries.

In developed countries, the impact of globalization, commoditization and ease of switching suppliers means customers have more choice. Organizations must work smarter to create profitable relationships and sustain customer loyalty.

Service excellence is no longer the exclusive domain of hospitality, retail and food and beverage sectors. Internet technology, trade liberalization and maturing markets have increased competitive intensity across many industries including medical, financial and professional services, technology, telecommunications, manufacturing and even government sectors.

As customers become increasingly sophisticated and expectations rise, what delights customers today is merely normal tomorrow. Superior service is now a moving target.
Customer service training alone cannot keep pace.

To win in today’s world, you must build a Superior Service Culture.

Experience live workshop with Ron Kaufman on June 9th, 2017 at Athenee Palace Hilton. Click here to Learn more!

Author of this article: Ron Kaufman

(p) - this article is an advertorial




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