Almost 1 million non-resident tourists spent RON 3 billion in Romania in H1

More than 965,000 non-resident tourists stayed in Romania in the first half (H1) of 2024, and their total expenses amounted to RON 3 billion (some EUR 603 million), according to the report published by the statistics office INS on Thursday, September 19.
Thus, a non-resident tourist spent an average of RON 3,100 in Romania.
Most of the non-resident tourists (55.7%) traveled to Romania for business reasons, their expenses representing 58.6% of the total, according to INS. Private trips were the main reason for 44.3% of tourists, and their expenditures accounted for 41.4% of the total, Agerpres reported.
Of the total number of non-residents arriving in Romania in the first half of 2024, 37.9% organized their stay through a travel agency, 35.7% planned their trip on their own, 18% opted for other ways (for example, through unions), while 8.4% organized their trip both on their own and through a travel agency.
Most of the non-resident tourists (79.2%) traveled to Romania by plane between January and June, while 13.8% used their own cars, 5.7% coaches and buses, and 0.7% river boats, respectively, the train and other means of transport (rental cars, motorcycles, etc.), with 0.3% each.
In the second quarter, 586,300 non-resident tourists stayed in collective accommodation structures in Romania and spent some RON 1.85 billion, the same INS report said.
(Photo source: Mihocphoto/