Romania presidential elections 2024: Results accessible in real-time on updated online platform

The Special Telecommunications Service (STS) has introduced a new feature on the website, allowing real-time tracking of the 2024 presidential election results. The new functionality enables users to view results based on various criteria, including candidates, counties, and localities, both within Romania and abroad, according to
“All those interested will be able to follow the centralization of votes and view a series of graphical representations of the provisional, partial, and final results after the voting stations close,” the STS announced.
“On the website, for the first time, the results of the votes obtained by candidates will be presented continuously in graphical form, as the president and members of the voting stations digitally transmit the minutes with the expressed votes,” it added.
Additionally, as in previous electoral processes, real-time statistical data regarding voter turnout at polling stations, photographs of the minutes, and other transparency-related information will be published.
STS also announced that both the websites and will be available starting with the official voting opening.
The first round of the presidential elections in Romania is scheduled for November 24.
(Photo source: Facebook/STS - Serviciul de Telecomunicaţii Speciale)