Poland’s largest bank officially enters Romanian market

The corporate branch in Romania of PKO Bank Polski, the leader of the Polish banking system, will begin its operational activity on the local market in 2025, according to Ziarul Financiar.
The Romanian daily announced in October 2023 that PKO Bank, the largest bank in Poland, with assets equivalent to 70% of the Romanian banking system, wants to start operating in Romania, with initial start plans for 2024.
The branch in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the fourth foreign corporate branch of the Poles at PKO Bank Polski after those in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Prague (Czech Republic), and Bratislava (Slovakia).
The strategy of the Polish PKO group is to enter foreign markets through corporate branches, a model that proved successful in the markets in which the bank already operates.
(Photo source: Wirestock/Dreamstime.com)