Bucharest District 4 car owners with no parking lot to pay an annual fee

The car owners in District 4 of Bucharest who did not rent a parking lot from the municipality and do not own their own parking lot will pay a RON 540 (EUR 108) annual fee in exchange for the right to use the public parking space.
The district's Council passed the new fee on December 12 with the support of the representatives of the Social Democrat (PSD), Liberal (PNL), and Popular (PMP) parties, according to Economedia.ro.
The money will be used to develop 100,000 parking lots in the district over the next ten years, according to the regulation's authors.
The representatives of the opposition said they would challenge the new fee, claiming that the municipality offers only 9,500 parking lots for 100,000 cars, in exchange for the fee paid by all car owners.
(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/Dreamstime.com)