Romania has highest cat ownership rate in the EU, report says

In almost half of the households in Romania, namely 48%, there is at least one cat, and with these percentages, Romanians are European champions in these rankings, according to Ziarul Financiar quoting data published in a report by FEDIAF, the organization that represents the interests of European pet food producers.
In comparison, in Turkey, the rate of cat owners is only 14%, and in Greece it is 13%. Only the Poles come closer to Romania’s ownership rate – with 41% of the households in Poland including such a pet.
The data refers to the year 2022.
Besides being nice companions, pets are also a business opportunity, the latest foreign trade data show. In 2022, Romania had the fourth largest trade deficit in the world for pet food, given that imports topped USD 300 million while exports were close to zero.
(Photo source: Lenutaidi/