Bucharest’s Village Museum hosts event dedicated to Sanziene midsummer celebration

23 June 2021

An event dedicated to the local midsummer celebration of Sanziene takes place on June 24 at the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in Bucharest.

The event, named "At the gates of the sun. The Sanziene celebration at the Village Museum," presents this special day's traditions and customs, such as making wreaths from lady's bedstraw (sanziane) flowers and throwing them over the house. 

During the event, visitors will learn about the properties of medicinal herbs, while the Vatra Harmanului ensemble from Brasov will re-enact the old atmosphere of the Sanziene celebration. An exhibition dedicated to the traditional blouse will open at 14:00, followed by a classical music recital at 15:00. 

In addition, local artisans will also be present at the traditional fair with blouses, shirts, towels, belts, ornaments and other accessories, flowers, and seasonal products.

Further details are available here.


(Photo source: Elenaphotos/Dreamstime.com)


Bucharest’s Village Museum hosts event dedicated to Sanziene midsummer celebration

23 June 2021

An event dedicated to the local midsummer celebration of Sanziene takes place on June 24 at the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in Bucharest.

The event, named "At the gates of the sun. The Sanziene celebration at the Village Museum," presents this special day's traditions and customs, such as making wreaths from lady's bedstraw (sanziane) flowers and throwing them over the house. 

During the event, visitors will learn about the properties of medicinal herbs, while the Vatra Harmanului ensemble from Brasov will re-enact the old atmosphere of the Sanziene celebration. An exhibition dedicated to the traditional blouse will open at 14:00, followed by a classical music recital at 15:00. 

In addition, local artisans will also be present at the traditional fair with blouses, shirts, towels, belts, ornaments and other accessories, flowers, and seasonal products.

Further details are available here.


(Photo source: Elenaphotos/Dreamstime.com)




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