Romanian counties with high count of COVID-19 cases start closing restaurants

The local authorities from Hunedoara, Bacau, and Iasi counties announced new restrictions in the HoReCa sector, after significant increases in the number of new COVID-19 cases.
In Hunedoara county, in 12 localities, the operation of restaurants and bars is no longer allowed, reported. In Bacau and Iasi counties, similar measures were taken in several localities.
The restrictions come as the infection rate went over 1.5 per 1,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks in the respective localities. The threshold was set at the central level, and the local authorities must enforce it.
In Hunedoara county, restaurants and cafes were closed in 12 localities, including Petrosani. Bars and restaurants also closed in several localities in Bacau county, and other events can take place with a limited schedule.
The restrictions also came into force in Iasi county, in the communes of Bârnova, Heleşteni, Holboca, and Horleşti, where the authorities also banned gambling, concerts, and cultural events.
Restaurants, cafes, and gambling halls could also be closed in Iasi starting October 5, if the rate of infections with the new coronavirus does not fall below 1.5 per thousand inhabitants.
(Photo: Pixabay)