Deposit-refund system for recyclable containers in Romania might be delayed again

The enforcement of the deposit-refund system SGR, which provides for the payment of RON 0.5 when purchasing a product packaged in containers smaller than 3 liters, refundable upon the return of the container, could be postponed again.
RetuRO, the system manager in which the state holds 20% of the shares, requests a “strategic” delay, Adevarul reported.
“RetuRO has officially requested, through a note sent to the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, an extension of at least three months for the commissioning of the deposit-refund system,” the administrator informed.
“After an extensive and detailed assessment of what still needs to be done to have a working system and the complex challenges encountered, we are certain that a premature launch could jeopardize the trust of consumers, producers and traders, undermining the system from the start,” said Gemma Webb, CEO & President of the Board of RetuRO.
(Photo: Dm Stock Production/ Dreamstime)