News from Companies

Opalescence Survey: teeth whitening is boosting confidence

29 August 2023

A captivating smile has the extraordinary ability to convey joy, confidence, and a positive disposition, making it an essential aspect of human interaction. Recognizing the transformative influence of smiles, Opalescence, a world-renowned brand in teeth whitening solutions, has been illuminating lives and boosting self-assurance through its innovative products.

The Power of Smiles: Spreading Joy and Self-Confidence

In a world that often rushes by, a simple smile can possess an extraordinary power. Beyond being a facial expression, a smile has the uncanny ability to bridge gaps, uplift spirits, and create moments of genuine connection. It's a universal language that transcends cultures, languages, and backgrounds, leaving an indelible mark on human interaction.

Recently, under the banner of #PowerOfSmiles,, a provider of dental supplies for clinics and individuals, along with being a distributor of Opalescence teeth whitening systems, conducted an online survey to uncover Romanian women's perspectives on teeth whitening procedures and their perceptions of a beautiful smile.

The survey showcased a significant influence of smiles on women's mood, with 98% of participants acknowledging the impact of a smile on their spirits, while 93% believed that a smile could greatly boost self-confidence. However, the survey highlighted that 6 out of 10 women were dissatisfied with their current teeth shade. More than half (63%) had either whitened their teeth or were considering doing so.

When asked about the first thing they noticed when meeting someone for the first time, 77% of respondents chose "facial expression, namely the smile," whereas 12% mentioned "attire." Concerning the importance of having a bright and radiant smile for a photogenic appearance, 88% considered it important or very important, while 12% found a white smile to be slightly or not at all important for a photogenic look in photos.

Professional Teeth Whitening Products: The Most Recognized Solutions

The survey, conducted by in Romania, highlights the growing interest and importance of teeth whitening procedures for Romanian women, reflecting a desire for confident and photogenic smiles.

Approximately a quarter of respondents were unfamiliar with teeth whitening techniques and solutions. When asked about their knowledge of whitening solutions, one-third mentioned "professional whitening systems" (32%), while "commercial whitening strips" were recognized by 37% of participants. Professional teeth whitening toothpaste remained the most well-known solution, recognized by over half of the respondents (52%).

When questioned about whether they had undergone or planned to undergo a tooth whitening procedure, 60% of respondents indicated they would opt for in-office dental whitening, while whitening performed "at home using kits and systems recommended by a dentist" was chosen by a third of respondents (32%).

Opalescence: Dispelling Myths about Whitening

A bright, radiant smile is often considered a symbol of confidence and good oral health. As a result, teeth whitening has gained immense popularity over the years. However, like any popular trend, there are various myths and misconceptions that surround teeth whitening. 

The survey also addressed common misconceptions surrounding teeth whitening. About 40% of respondents had heard that whitening was expensive, a similar percentage thought it was dangerous, and a quarter believed the procedure was painful. 

Myth 1: Teeth Whitening is Painful

Many people fear that teeth whitening is a painful procedure. In reality, some individuals might experience temporary tooth sensitivity during or after the treatment, but it is generally mild and short-lived. Advances in teeth whitening technology have led to the development of products that minimize sensitivity, and dentists can provide guidance on managing any discomfort.

So, many people fear that teeth whitening is a painful procedure. In reality, as Opalescence’s specialists confirmed, some individuals might experience temporary tooth sensitivity during or after the treatment, but it is generally mild and short-lived. Advances in teeth whitening technology have led to the development of products that minimize sensitivity, and dentists can provide guidance on managing any discomfort.

Myth 2: Teeth Whitening Damages Enamel

One prevalent misconception is that teeth whitening can damage the enamel, the protective outer layer of teeth. In reality, when used correctly and under professional supervision, teeth whitening products are safe and do not harm the enamel. Most teeth whitening products use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient, which only penetrate the enamel's surface to remove stains, without causing permanent damage.

Myth 3: Whitening Toothpaste is Sufficient

While whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains and provide a subtle brightening effect, it is not as effective as professional teeth whitening treatments. Whitening toothpaste usually contains mild abrasives that can remove some stains, but they cannot produce the same noticeable results that a professional treatment can achieve.

Myth 4: All DIY Whitening Methods are Safe

There is a wealth of DIY teeth whitening methods available online, ranging from baking soda to lemon juice. However, not all of these methods are safe or effective. Some DIY methods can be abrasive and damage the enamel, while others may not have any significant whitening effect. It's always best to consult with a dental professional before attempting any at-home whitening methods.

Myth 5: Whitening Results are Permanent

Teeth whitening is not a permanent solution, as teeth can become stained again over time due to dietary habits, aging, and other factors. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding staining substances can help prolong the results of a teeth whitening treatment.

Regarding the Opalescence’s survey, asked about their expectations following teeth whitening procedure, almost half (48%) of the respondents answered "to achieve a fresh and natural appearance of the teeth," while over a quarter (26%) expect it "to be a quick and easy process, with immediately visible results." Furthermore, 20% of the respondents expect it to be a non-invasive technique.

*This is a Press Release.

News from Companies

Opalescence Survey: teeth whitening is boosting confidence

29 August 2023

A captivating smile has the extraordinary ability to convey joy, confidence, and a positive disposition, making it an essential aspect of human interaction. Recognizing the transformative influence of smiles, Opalescence, a world-renowned brand in teeth whitening solutions, has been illuminating lives and boosting self-assurance through its innovative products.

The Power of Smiles: Spreading Joy and Self-Confidence

In a world that often rushes by, a simple smile can possess an extraordinary power. Beyond being a facial expression, a smile has the uncanny ability to bridge gaps, uplift spirits, and create moments of genuine connection. It's a universal language that transcends cultures, languages, and backgrounds, leaving an indelible mark on human interaction.

Recently, under the banner of #PowerOfSmiles,, a provider of dental supplies for clinics and individuals, along with being a distributor of Opalescence teeth whitening systems, conducted an online survey to uncover Romanian women's perspectives on teeth whitening procedures and their perceptions of a beautiful smile.

The survey showcased a significant influence of smiles on women's mood, with 98% of participants acknowledging the impact of a smile on their spirits, while 93% believed that a smile could greatly boost self-confidence. However, the survey highlighted that 6 out of 10 women were dissatisfied with their current teeth shade. More than half (63%) had either whitened their teeth or were considering doing so.

When asked about the first thing they noticed when meeting someone for the first time, 77% of respondents chose "facial expression, namely the smile," whereas 12% mentioned "attire." Concerning the importance of having a bright and radiant smile for a photogenic appearance, 88% considered it important or very important, while 12% found a white smile to be slightly or not at all important for a photogenic look in photos.

Professional Teeth Whitening Products: The Most Recognized Solutions

The survey, conducted by in Romania, highlights the growing interest and importance of teeth whitening procedures for Romanian women, reflecting a desire for confident and photogenic smiles.

Approximately a quarter of respondents were unfamiliar with teeth whitening techniques and solutions. When asked about their knowledge of whitening solutions, one-third mentioned "professional whitening systems" (32%), while "commercial whitening strips" were recognized by 37% of participants. Professional teeth whitening toothpaste remained the most well-known solution, recognized by over half of the respondents (52%).

When questioned about whether they had undergone or planned to undergo a tooth whitening procedure, 60% of respondents indicated they would opt for in-office dental whitening, while whitening performed "at home using kits and systems recommended by a dentist" was chosen by a third of respondents (32%).

Opalescence: Dispelling Myths about Whitening

A bright, radiant smile is often considered a symbol of confidence and good oral health. As a result, teeth whitening has gained immense popularity over the years. However, like any popular trend, there are various myths and misconceptions that surround teeth whitening. 

The survey also addressed common misconceptions surrounding teeth whitening. About 40% of respondents had heard that whitening was expensive, a similar percentage thought it was dangerous, and a quarter believed the procedure was painful. 

Myth 1: Teeth Whitening is Painful

Many people fear that teeth whitening is a painful procedure. In reality, some individuals might experience temporary tooth sensitivity during or after the treatment, but it is generally mild and short-lived. Advances in teeth whitening technology have led to the development of products that minimize sensitivity, and dentists can provide guidance on managing any discomfort.

So, many people fear that teeth whitening is a painful procedure. In reality, as Opalescence’s specialists confirmed, some individuals might experience temporary tooth sensitivity during or after the treatment, but it is generally mild and short-lived. Advances in teeth whitening technology have led to the development of products that minimize sensitivity, and dentists can provide guidance on managing any discomfort.

Myth 2: Teeth Whitening Damages Enamel

One prevalent misconception is that teeth whitening can damage the enamel, the protective outer layer of teeth. In reality, when used correctly and under professional supervision, teeth whitening products are safe and do not harm the enamel. Most teeth whitening products use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient, which only penetrate the enamel's surface to remove stains, without causing permanent damage.

Myth 3: Whitening Toothpaste is Sufficient

While whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains and provide a subtle brightening effect, it is not as effective as professional teeth whitening treatments. Whitening toothpaste usually contains mild abrasives that can remove some stains, but they cannot produce the same noticeable results that a professional treatment can achieve.

Myth 4: All DIY Whitening Methods are Safe

There is a wealth of DIY teeth whitening methods available online, ranging from baking soda to lemon juice. However, not all of these methods are safe or effective. Some DIY methods can be abrasive and damage the enamel, while others may not have any significant whitening effect. It's always best to consult with a dental professional before attempting any at-home whitening methods.

Myth 5: Whitening Results are Permanent

Teeth whitening is not a permanent solution, as teeth can become stained again over time due to dietary habits, aging, and other factors. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding staining substances can help prolong the results of a teeth whitening treatment.

Regarding the Opalescence’s survey, asked about their expectations following teeth whitening procedure, almost half (48%) of the respondents answered "to achieve a fresh and natural appearance of the teeth," while over a quarter (26%) expect it "to be a quick and easy process, with immediately visible results." Furthermore, 20% of the respondents expect it to be a non-invasive technique.

*This is a Press Release.




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