Investments could boost Romania's hydro energy potential to 8,000 MW

Romania's hydro energy potential, currently at 5,900 MW for domestic rivers, could reach 8,000 MW with additional investments on the Danube, according to the country's Environment and Forestry Ministry.
“Of the 8,000 MW maximum potential, there is around a 1,100 MW potential capacity for micro hydro power plants. The existing ones have an installed power of 400 MW,” said László Borbély, Environment and Forestry minister.
Potential investors require concrete information about developing projects in Romania. “It is an important moment, legislation wise. Investors are coming– and not just a few – and they need concrete data on what happens in this area. The legislation is up to date, they know how many certificates each gets when investing,” said Borbély.
Investors in micro hydro power plants under 10 MW receive three green certificates over 15 years if investments are new and the power plants start work after 2004. The Ministry's data points to 290 submissions for micro hydro power plants, 84 of which are underway.
Companies that invest in renewable energy production in Romania can receive financing of up to 50 percent of the eligible value of the project, up to EUR 6.9 million per project.