Danish Ingleby becomes fourth largest farmland owner in Romania

Danish group Ingleby climbed one spot to fourth in the ranking of biggest farmland owners in Romania, after taking over Campo D’Oro. Thus, Ingleby surpassed Italian businessman Luciano Martini, local Economica.net reported.
The group owned and exploited 19,369 hectares of farmland and 3,700 ha of forest in Romania last year, according to a company report. Apart from Campo D’Oro, Ingleby also controls Cross Wind SRL, which grows vegetables and owns animal farms in Timis county, and Green Gate SRL.
"We decided to invest in Europe in 2007. We chose Romania because of its history as a former grain hub in Europe. One year later we bought a beech and oak forest in Romania as a long-term, durable investment," the report said.
Igleby also bragged about the 97% y/y yield increase in canola crop and 27% yield rise for wheat compared to past 5-year average.
Ingleby group is owned by the Swedish billionaire family of Hans Rausing. The group exploited over 100,500 ha of land worldwide, of which 81,500 ha farmland and 7,261 ha forest.