Halloween Charity Ball brings Fred Astaire, Rhett Butler and Marilyn Monroe to Bucharest this October

16 October 2014

This year’s edition of the Halloween Charity Ball has Hollywood as a theme so guests will have to draw inspiration from movie magic for their outfits for the evening, either dressing up as film stars, or as film characters.

Leslie Hawke and Maria Gheorghiu, the co-founders of the OvidiuRo charity association, will welcome guests in vintage outfits. Leslie Hawke will be Fred Astaire for one night, while Maria Gheorghiu chose to become the famous actress Marilyn Monroe.

Amalia Enache, one of the event’s hosts, will be the famous character Ciuleandra, while the other host, Dragos Bucurenci will be dressed as Rhett Butler, the character from the well-known film Gone with the Wind.

Romanian TV star Cabral will present the “Each Donor is a Winner” awards - together with Adela Vrînceanu Celebidachi and Bryan Jardine -  and will be dressed as Samuel L. Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.

The Halloween Charity Ball will take place at People’s Palace in Bucharest on October 25. The Halloween Charity Ball is back!

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo credit: Diana Mesesan)


Halloween Charity Ball brings Fred Astaire, Rhett Butler and Marilyn Monroe to Bucharest this October

16 October 2014

This year’s edition of the Halloween Charity Ball has Hollywood as a theme so guests will have to draw inspiration from movie magic for their outfits for the evening, either dressing up as film stars, or as film characters.

Leslie Hawke and Maria Gheorghiu, the co-founders of the OvidiuRo charity association, will welcome guests in vintage outfits. Leslie Hawke will be Fred Astaire for one night, while Maria Gheorghiu chose to become the famous actress Marilyn Monroe.

Amalia Enache, one of the event’s hosts, will be the famous character Ciuleandra, while the other host, Dragos Bucurenci will be dressed as Rhett Butler, the character from the well-known film Gone with the Wind.

Romanian TV star Cabral will present the “Each Donor is a Winner” awards - together with Adela Vrînceanu Celebidachi and Bryan Jardine -  and will be dressed as Samuel L. Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.

The Halloween Charity Ball will take place at People’s Palace in Bucharest on October 25. The Halloween Charity Ball is back!

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo credit: Diana Mesesan)


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