Romanian Govt. postpones deadline for submitting Form 600

Romania’s new government adopted an emergency ordinance on Wednesday, January 31, that postpones the deadline for submitting a highly contested fiscal form.
All Romanian individuals who made revenues from independent activities over a certain threshold last year were supposed to fill in and submit this fiscal form, known as Form 600, by January 31, 2018. Based on this form, the tax agency ANAF would determine what social contributions and health insurance contributions these taxpayers have to pay for this year.
The government decided to prolong the period for submitting this form until April 15.
However, both prime minister Viorica Dancila and finance minister Eugen Teodorovici said on Monday that this form would completely disappear. Teodorovici said that the deadline was postponed so that the Finance Minister would have time to find a solution to eliminate Form 600. Prime minister Viorica Dancila asked the finance minister to come up with a solution within a week.
Some 28,500 Romanians submitted this form by January 31. The estimated number of taxpayers who should fill in this form is 210,000, based on 2016 data.