Romanian VC fund finances Bulgarian start-up in first cross-border deal

Romanian investment fund Cleverage Venture Capital announced its first deal abroad with an investment in the Bulgarian start-up FindMeCure, founded by several entrepreneurs, which operates through two platforms dedicated to clinical trials.
Thus, three years after its establishment, Cleverage, an investment fund supported by entrepreneurs and investors such as Georgios Sofianos, Voicu Oprean, Wargha Enayati, Sergiu Neguţ and Alexandu Popescu, takes the first step outside the country's borders, Ziarul Financiar reported.
Cleverage's investment will support the plans to expand the company's team both in Bulgaria and internationally, and also to strengthen the company's position in the American market.
Cleverage is an investor community founded in 2020 by entrepreneurs Georgios Sofianos, Voicu Oprean, Wargha Enayati, Sergiu Neguţ and Alexandu Popescu, with the aim of investing in start-ups active in the field of health technology in Romania and Europe Central and Eastern.
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