TeraPlast adds new production line, boosts Nasaud as centre for plastic products

13 September 2021

TeraPlast Group (TRP) concluded an agreement with Brikston Construction Solutions to take over a polyethylene films production line located in Sighisoara.

The assets acquired by TeraPlast, located at present in Sighisoara, will be transferred to the Somplast plant in Nasaud, the latter being in a process of reshaping after the acquisition.

The flexible packaging production of Somplast (part of TRP) will continue its activity at Nasaud in the current location, which from now on will host the new production line taken over from Brikston.

Furthermore, the rigid PVC recycling factory of the Group will be relocated to the Nasaud plant.

The processing capacity of the rigid PVC factory is tripling as part of this year’s expansion investments.

Somplast’s location at Nasaud offers plenty of space for development with 20.000 square meters of halls that need to be reshaped. The renovation implies both demolition and remodelling works for the auxiliary spaces.

(Photo: Teraplast Facebook Page)



TeraPlast adds new production line, boosts Nasaud as centre for plastic products

13 September 2021

TeraPlast Group (TRP) concluded an agreement with Brikston Construction Solutions to take over a polyethylene films production line located in Sighisoara.

The assets acquired by TeraPlast, located at present in Sighisoara, will be transferred to the Somplast plant in Nasaud, the latter being in a process of reshaping after the acquisition.

The flexible packaging production of Somplast (part of TRP) will continue its activity at Nasaud in the current location, which from now on will host the new production line taken over from Brikston.

Furthermore, the rigid PVC recycling factory of the Group will be relocated to the Nasaud plant.

The processing capacity of the rigid PVC factory is tripling as part of this year’s expansion investments.

Somplast’s location at Nasaud offers plenty of space for development with 20.000 square meters of halls that need to be reshaped. The renovation implies both demolition and remodelling works for the auxiliary spaces.

(Photo: Teraplast Facebook Page)



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