Short movies night marathon screening in Bucharest mid-June

29 May 2012

Romania's new National Library will host a night of short movies on June 16, in its internal courtyard, where short films from across the world will be screened. The event, called the Long Night of Short Movies, will start at 20:00, and will include short films that were awarded at various film festivals, such as the Oscars, BAFTA, the Berlin Film Festival, Cannes and Sundance. Most of them will be screened in premiere in Romania.

One of the central films of the evening will be 'Morning Stroll', the British short movie directed by Grant Orchard, which was nominated for the Oscars and won the short movie prize at the BAFTAs and Sundance. The animation, based on a story by American postmodernist writer Paul Auster, features a New Yorker who meets a chicken on the street of his city- which one of them will prove to be more urbane and cooler?

The short movies marathon will last until 5 am the next day. The event will start with a live concert by a local band and will feature projections on the National Library building, as well as including live cooking and exhibitions.

Tickets for the evening cost RON 30 via, and RON 40 on the door.


Short movies night marathon screening in Bucharest mid-June

29 May 2012

Romania's new National Library will host a night of short movies on June 16, in its internal courtyard, where short films from across the world will be screened. The event, called the Long Night of Short Movies, will start at 20:00, and will include short films that were awarded at various film festivals, such as the Oscars, BAFTA, the Berlin Film Festival, Cannes and Sundance. Most of them will be screened in premiere in Romania.

One of the central films of the evening will be 'Morning Stroll', the British short movie directed by Grant Orchard, which was nominated for the Oscars and won the short movie prize at the BAFTAs and Sundance. The animation, based on a story by American postmodernist writer Paul Auster, features a New Yorker who meets a chicken on the street of his city- which one of them will prove to be more urbane and cooler?

The short movies marathon will last until 5 am the next day. The event will start with a live concert by a local band and will feature projections on the National Library building, as well as including live cooking and exhibitions.

Tickets for the evening cost RON 30 via, and RON 40 on the door.




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