Coronavirus: Romania could relax movement restrictions after mid-May

The Romanian authorities could begin relaxing the movement restrictions after May 15, Alexandru Rafila, the president of the Romanian Microbiology Society, told local Digi24 news channel.
Asked to estimate when Romania will reach that point where social distancing will no longer be needed, Rafila said: “I believe that after May 15. But we’re not talking about social distancing not being necessary anymore, but about a reduction of the measures related to social distancing, while many of the elements, for example the organization of major events, will probably remain in force for a longer period of time.”
Health minister Nelu Tataru also said that the authorities could decide to relax the coronavirus restrictions by the end of May, as the number of cases could peak in the second half of April.
“I see the peak of the pandemic in the second half of April. But I see it sharper or softer, depending on what we will do, both as a medical activity and depending on how the citizens understand to comply with the measures that have to be respected. There may be around 10,000 (cases of Covid-19 e.n.), there may be around 15,000, depending on how the local transmission rate will be, accelerated or not,” Tataru said at the public station TVR 1, according to Agerpres.
The minister said that the authorities could consider relaxing the restrictions on movement about two weeks after the peak.
Prime minister Ludovic Orban also said that Covid-19 cases could peak in the period April 20-May 1 in Romania, and that the authorities are prepared to take the necessary measures, according to However, he also noted that this is an unpredictable virus and it’s very difficult to make predictions that are 100% accurate.
The PM also said that, in this context, the local elections would no longer be organized on June 28, as it was initially expected, and that the mandates of the current local officials could be extended.