Hidroelectrica is reviewing for takeover wind and PV projects summing up to 2GWh

Hidroelectrica, the largest electricity producer in Romania, is considering the acquisition of three wind farms and one photovoltaic park, which are "in various stages of development", according to the report of the company's management for 2021, which will be subject to shareholder approval.
Hidroelectrica submitted non-binding bids for the four projects in the last quarter of 2021, according to the document, quoted by Economica.net.
If the transactions are completed, the company would invest about EUR 2.3 bln in these projects.
In turn, the projects would add 5 TWh of electricity per year to the company's production, 17 TWh in a normal year.
In addition to the approximately 6,400 MW installed in hydroelectric plants, the company acquired the Crucea wind farm two years ago from the German company STEAG. Crucea wind farm has an installed capacity of 108 MW.
(Photo: Ivan Kruk/ Dreamstime)