Dutch throw Orange Night party for Queen's Day in Bucharest

26 April 2013

Members of the Dutch community in Bucharest are throwing a Queen's Day party next week, promising live music and drinks well into the night. The event will be held on April 30, Queen's Day in The Netherlands, where the day is a national celebration in honor of the country's royal family. This year also marks the crowning of the new King Willem-Alexander in The Netherlands, who succeeds Queen Beatrix following her abdication after 33 years on the throne.

Orange Night will be held at Biavati club on Vasilievici Rahmaninov 2B street in Bucharest, on Tuesday, April 30. Live music will be provided by Aurelian Temisan & The Funk Society and the dress code is, naturally, orange. Dinner starts at 18:00 and the party gets underway at 20:00; at 20:30 the King's Song will be sung, joining events across the world where the song will be sung at the same time.

Tickets for the dinner and party cost RON 350, while for the party alone, RON 160, both ticket types include drinks and are available from the Rembrandt Hotel in Bucharest, the American and British international schools, Lekker cheese shops in Metro Cash & Carry stores and the Maastricht School of Management.


(photo source: Fifa website)


Dutch throw Orange Night party for Queen's Day in Bucharest

26 April 2013

Members of the Dutch community in Bucharest are throwing a Queen's Day party next week, promising live music and drinks well into the night. The event will be held on April 30, Queen's Day in The Netherlands, where the day is a national celebration in honor of the country's royal family. This year also marks the crowning of the new King Willem-Alexander in The Netherlands, who succeeds Queen Beatrix following her abdication after 33 years on the throne.

Orange Night will be held at Biavati club on Vasilievici Rahmaninov 2B street in Bucharest, on Tuesday, April 30. Live music will be provided by Aurelian Temisan & The Funk Society and the dress code is, naturally, orange. Dinner starts at 18:00 and the party gets underway at 20:00; at 20:30 the King's Song will be sung, joining events across the world where the song will be sung at the same time.

Tickets for the dinner and party cost RON 350, while for the party alone, RON 160, both ticket types include drinks and are available from the Rembrandt Hotel in Bucharest, the American and British international schools, Lekker cheese shops in Metro Cash & Carry stores and the Maastricht School of Management.


(photo source: Fifa website)




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