Study: Romanians slowly discard fear of ride sharing with strangers

04 March 2015

Only 14% of Romanians heard about the smartphone app Uber, but 88% find it useful and 73% are willing to use it, according to a recent study conducted by iSense.Solutions.

Uber is a platform that connects passengers with drivers who want to share the cost of trips, being an alternative to taxis. It entered the Romanian market in late-February this year. 

Over 85% of Romanians like this idea, 60% think that this app is for people like them and 83% would recommend it to others.

However, even though Uber addresses both passengers and drivers, only 18% of respondents said they would use it as drivers while 28% are willing to use it from the passenger seat. 27% said they would use the app as both drivers and passengers.

“Romanian drivers are open to innovation, but remain slightly reticent about transporting unknown people in their cars. This mentality is beginning to change however, due to influences from the West, where people frequently use such practices,” said Andrei Canda, managing partner iSense.Solutions.

Over 33% of Romanian women would most likely use Uber as passengers, while only 9.2% of them would use it as drivers. The situation is different in the case of men, as 26.6% would use the app as drivers and only 21.7% would try it as passengers.

So far, Romanians used such apps for taxi orders. Speed Taxi is the most popular smartphone app – 10% of Romanians use it and 40% have heard of it, followed by Meridian Taxi – 6.6% use it and 29% have heard of it, Cris Taxi – 5% / 22%, Star Taxi – 3.6% / 21% and Clever Taxi – 3% / 28%.

The study’s findings are representative for urban population aged over 18.

Irina Popescu,


Study: Romanians slowly discard fear of ride sharing with strangers

04 March 2015

Only 14% of Romanians heard about the smartphone app Uber, but 88% find it useful and 73% are willing to use it, according to a recent study conducted by iSense.Solutions.

Uber is a platform that connects passengers with drivers who want to share the cost of trips, being an alternative to taxis. It entered the Romanian market in late-February this year. 

Over 85% of Romanians like this idea, 60% think that this app is for people like them and 83% would recommend it to others.

However, even though Uber addresses both passengers and drivers, only 18% of respondents said they would use it as drivers while 28% are willing to use it from the passenger seat. 27% said they would use the app as both drivers and passengers.

“Romanian drivers are open to innovation, but remain slightly reticent about transporting unknown people in their cars. This mentality is beginning to change however, due to influences from the West, where people frequently use such practices,” said Andrei Canda, managing partner iSense.Solutions.

Over 33% of Romanian women would most likely use Uber as passengers, while only 9.2% of them would use it as drivers. The situation is different in the case of men, as 26.6% would use the app as drivers and only 21.7% would try it as passengers.

So far, Romanians used such apps for taxi orders. Speed Taxi is the most popular smartphone app – 10% of Romanians use it and 40% have heard of it, followed by Meridian Taxi – 6.6% use it and 29% have heard of it, Cris Taxi – 5% / 22%, Star Taxi – 3.6% / 21% and Clever Taxi – 3% / 28%.

The study’s findings are representative for urban population aged over 18.

Irina Popescu,


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