Romania’s annual inflation rate rises in September

10 October 2014

Consumer prices in Romania rose by 0.12% month-on-month in September, according to recent data from the Statistics Institute INS. The annual inflation rate increased to 1.54% in September, as food prices food went up by 0.2% and prices for non-food items and for services climbed 0.1% each.

In August, Romania’s inflation rate stood at 0.85%, down from 0.95% in July, but over the level of 0.66% registered in June.

Romania’s Central Bank BNR reduced in August the inflation forecast from 3.3% to 2.2% for 2014, and from 3.3% to 3% for 2015.

Irina Popescu,


Romania’s annual inflation rate rises in September

10 October 2014

Consumer prices in Romania rose by 0.12% month-on-month in September, according to recent data from the Statistics Institute INS. The annual inflation rate increased to 1.54% in September, as food prices food went up by 0.2% and prices for non-food items and for services climbed 0.1% each.

In August, Romania’s inflation rate stood at 0.85%, down from 0.95% in July, but over the level of 0.66% registered in June.

Romania’s Central Bank BNR reduced in August the inflation forecast from 3.3% to 2.2% for 2014, and from 3.3% to 3% for 2015.

Irina Popescu,




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