Romania could negotiate flexible credit line with the IMF

18 December 2014

Romania could negotiate a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after the current Stand-By Agreement expires in 2015, said yesterday Prime Minister Victor Ponta, according to Reuters.

The new agreement could take the form of a flexible credit line, a tool created by the IMF in 2009 for countries with good economic performance. This type of arrangement may come with better terms than the quarterly revisions Romania currently needs to go through to benefit from the precautionary credit line.

Poland has a flexible credit line with the IMF since 2009 and in January 2013 it renewed the agreement for another two years.

The IMF approved in September 2013 a new Stand-By Agreement for Romania for 24 months, worth about EUR 1.98 billion. This is the third agreement with the IMF, since the onset of the economic crisis. The first was completed in 2009 and the second in 2011.


Romania could negotiate flexible credit line with the IMF

18 December 2014

Romania could negotiate a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after the current Stand-By Agreement expires in 2015, said yesterday Prime Minister Victor Ponta, according to Reuters.

The new agreement could take the form of a flexible credit line, a tool created by the IMF in 2009 for countries with good economic performance. This type of arrangement may come with better terms than the quarterly revisions Romania currently needs to go through to benefit from the precautionary credit line.

Poland has a flexible credit line with the IMF since 2009 and in January 2013 it renewed the agreement for another two years.

The IMF approved in September 2013 a new Stand-By Agreement for Romania for 24 months, worth about EUR 1.98 billion. This is the third agreement with the IMF, since the onset of the economic crisis. The first was completed in 2009 and the second in 2011.




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