Romanian justice minister proposes new anti-organized crime head

15 May 2018

Romanian justice minister Tudorel Toader proposed Felix Banila as the new chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), one of the most important prosecution units in the country.

Banila competed for this position with current DIICOT head Daniel Horodniceanu.

The justice minister sent his proposal to the Superior Magistracy Council (CSM), which will issue an opinion, local Mediafax reported. The proposal will then go to president Klaus Iohannis, who can make the appointment or ask for another proposal.

Felix Banila, 45, has been the head prosecutor of the Bacau Prosecutor’s Office since January 2011. Daniel Horodniceanu has been chief prosecutor of DIICOT since May 2015. His mandate ends on May 19.


Romanian justice minister proposes new anti-organized crime head

15 May 2018

Romanian justice minister Tudorel Toader proposed Felix Banila as the new chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), one of the most important prosecution units in the country.

Banila competed for this position with current DIICOT head Daniel Horodniceanu.

The justice minister sent his proposal to the Superior Magistracy Council (CSM), which will issue an opinion, local Mediafax reported. The proposal will then go to president Klaus Iohannis, who can make the appointment or ask for another proposal.

Felix Banila, 45, has been the head prosecutor of the Bacau Prosecutor’s Office since January 2011. Daniel Horodniceanu has been chief prosecutor of DIICOT since May 2015. His mandate ends on May 19.


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