Issue Monitoring – the Legislative Monitoring App that saves you time while you stay focused on what matters

With an average of 4,500 regulatory acts adopted annually, the only option for entrepreneurs is to adapt to the legislative scene to remain relevant. "Information means power" - the power to react at the right moment, making predictions and sustainable strategies. To enjoy this power, entrepreneurs need an ally who can bring order to the legislative chaos while they focus on what matters, and this ally’s name is Issue Monitoring.
Besides the power of information, the Issue Monitoring platform offers time: "Every month we save an average of over 30 hours of legislative monitoring per user, and there are clients who have more than 10 people registered on our platform. By using our services, the work of those in public affairs or legal departments becomes less stressful because they no longer fear overlooking certain legislative changes that could negatively impact their business activities," says Octavian Rusu, CEO & Founder of Issue Monitoring.
Issue Monitoring’ intended audience
The legislative monitoring platform supports professionals in public policy, lobbying, and advocacy, as well as entrepreneurs who want to stay up to date with the latest legislative changes, therefore, it is ideal for medium and large companies, consultants, and entrepreneurs in the scaling phase, as well as professional associations or market-leading companies with their own public affairs department.
An updated version of the legislative monitoring app was recently launched in response to our clients' needs. The new platform offers direct integration with various client applications, thus enabling the flow of legislative information within the internal processes of companies. It is now easier to receive clear, concise, and personalized information on specific fields of activity, just a few taps away. Moreover, the app offers clients a deeper understanding of the legislative path, as well as a greater diversity in setting up the alerts they want to receive.
How the App Works
Users will receive notifications (via email, through the developed mobile application, or a messaging app) regarding new legislative updates from Government, Parliament, and other Regulatory authorities. The transmission of alerts can be personalized for each set channel, allowing users to receive real-time alerts and various digests (once a day, twice a day, or weekly). Personalization can be done for each specific domain/subdomain, as well as for each category of information.
Every 3 hours, Romania adopts a piece of legislation - know ahead of time the changes that affect your industry
Legislative changes have a significant impact on any company, regardless of its activity, and entrepreneurs are known for their proactive nature and desire to participate in the decision-making process. Tracking the vast flow of information in the legislative chaos is time-consuming and stressful. The Issue Monitoring platform aims to eliminate these challenges to allow entrepreneurs to focus on growing their businesses without legislative impediments.
Although information is at hand nowadays, it is time-consuming to go to various official websites or online outlets every single day in search of relevant news in one’s field. With Issue Monitoring it is easy to set your alerts for the domains you take an interest in, such as labor code, healthcare, energy, environment, digital, and the news finds you.
About Issue Monitoring team
With over 8 years' experience in public policies, Issue Monitoring is proud to affirm that it has a 100% client retention rate, thanks to the team’s passion and efforts.
The Issue Monitoring team consists of public policy specialists who participate in public debates, create personalized reports, provide consultancy, send notifications and alerts, all to meet the needs of the clients and their businesses.
"If you want to anticipate changes that occur at a high level and prepare a response strategy, our reports and the consultancy provided by our public policy experts will give you that competitive advantage that can propel your business," declares Octavian Rusu, the founder of Issue Monitoring.
Future Plans
Issue Monitoring has ambitious plans to expand its services to 10 other European countries in the next 5 years: "We want Issue Monitoring to be the first choice regarding legislative monitoring for companies in Romania, and by 2025, we aim to become the essential digital assistant for any public affairs professional," says Octavian Rusu. "The vision of Issue Monitoring is that any citizen and company could participate in public decision-making with a simple click," he concludes.
*This is a Press Release.