Survey: Three out of four RO employees experienced burnout in the past five years

A total of 76.5% of the employees in Romania have experienced at least one burnout episode in the last five years, according to a survey of, an online community of employees in the country.
The survey was conducted in August among 3,016 employees over the age of 18.
At the same time, 54% of the respondents say they have experienced several episodes of burnout in the last five years and 22.5% a single episode. Approximately 20% say they can't identify burnout, and only 3% say they have not experienced such moments.
Approximately 32% of the employees answering the survey say that their burnout was caused by the very high volume of work, 24.7% by the company's culture, 24.2% by the manager to whom they reported, and 13.3% by the lack of leave.
Furthermore, 81% of the respondents say they have not received help from the employer to recover from burnout. Only 5% said they were helped by the company they worked for.
A total of 43.7% of the respondents say they are encouraged to take days off, while 25.8% say there are no specific actions to outline the importance of taking time off. Furthermore, 19.3% are not encouraged to take days off, and 12% do not feel encouraged to go on vacation because there is no one to replace them.
Of those answering the survey, 42% say that they relax completely and disconnect from everything related to work while on holiday, while 39% deal with emergencies and 18.5% constantly check their e-mail.
When the survey was conducted, approximately 60% of respondents had been on vacation or were planning to do so; 25.8% did not want to go on vacation, and the remaining 13.4% were undecided. Of those going on holiday or who had already done so, a holiday in the country was an option for 41.1% of the respondents, a holiday abroad for 32.4% and 26.4% planned to spend a few days off at home. Before the pandemic, 71% of employees went on vacation every year.
(Photo: Daniel Schwarz |