Six beaches on Romanian seaside awarded Blue Flag quality label in 2023

A total of six beaches in the Romanian Black Sea resorts of Mamaia, Năvodari, Eforie, and Olimp have been awarded the 'Blue Flag' quality label, according to the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism.
"Romania is once again on the 'Blue Flag' global map this year! The quality label has been granted to the following six beaches: Vega Vintage in Mamaia resort, Marina Regia and Phoenicia in Năvodari, Citadel and Azur in Eforie, as well as Phoenicia Blue View, which awaits tourists in Olimp. A novelty compared to the previous season is that Axxis Nova Beach in Năvodari is in the pilot phase of the program, during which it must prepare to meet the 33 mandatory and general program criteria. These criteria refer to ecological education, environmental information, bathing water quality, environmental management, safety, and services provided. Only in this way can it apply for and obtain the 'Blue Flag' label in 2024," a ministry press release cited by Digi24 said.
The 'Blue Flag' program was initiated in 1987, the European Year of the Environment, by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) with the aim of rewarding beaches, marinas, and tourist pleasure boats for their quality, as well as encouraging local public authorities and the private sector to take measures to improve coastal areas.
Today, 'Blue Flag' is one of the most recognized voluntary ecological labels in the world, awarded to beaches, tourist ports, and pleasure craft. The Ministry of Tourism, together with the Carpathian-Danube Geoecology Center - CCDG, a full member of the FEE, started the process of implementing the program in June 2004.
The advantages of the program include: having an ecological symbol (ecological label) that is visible and internationally recognized, the possibility of using this symbol for promotion at the local, national, and international levels of the beach, attracting foreign tourists who prefer these beaches since 'Blue Flag' enjoys broad international recognition. To receive the distinction, a number of 33 criteria for beaches and 38 criteria for marinas must be met.
The applications submitted to obtain the Blue Flag distinction are verified on-site and by a national and international jury. The label can be obtained for a single season, and its retention is conditioned by a new application.
(Photo source: Eugenesergeev |