Learn Romanian. Fifth lesson: getting a taxi

21 July 2010

“Bună ziua, dragii noştri!” Welcome to our Romanian lesson - nr 5!

As we did in our previous online lessons, first of all, let’s check your homework. Key to exercises:

1. Oraşul este interesant.

2. Laura vrea să meargă la teatru.

3. Merge la restaurant după ce merge la teatru si la muzeu.

And …. if she doesn’t have a car, our Laura will need a …. taxi! In Romanian, it’s the same word: taxi.

Acum citiţi, vă rugăm, următorul dialog (Now, please, read the following dialogue):

  • Laura, hai să chemăm un taxi, te rog!

  • Desigur, imediat!

[021 9478 Alo, un taxi, vă rog, în zona Vitan, pe strada Ozonului, nr 6. (waiting) Da, mulţumesc!]

  • Maşina cu nr 100 va veni în 5 minute!
  • Excelent!
New words & expressions: Pay attention, as we told you last time, some words are similar or very close to English, so it’s again very easy:
  • a chema un taxi = to call for a taxi
  • a veni = to come
  • minut,- e = minute, -s
  • imediat = immediately
  • zonă = zone, area
  • stradă = street
  • excelent = excellent, great

Iar acum, tema (And now, your homework):

Separați cuvintele și propozițiile (split the words and the sentences):

lauravreasămeargălarestauranteacheamăuntaxiînzonauniriiestemaşinacunr10vine in3minutesuper

Till next Thursday, have a great week and don’t forget: when in another country, if one can communicate with the people there, life becomes easier! Moreover, research has shown that general language skills improve after studying foreign languages thus enhancing the better understanding of one’s own language as well.


Learn Romanian. Fifth lesson: getting a taxi

21 July 2010

“Bună ziua, dragii noştri!” Welcome to our Romanian lesson - nr 5!

As we did in our previous online lessons, first of all, let’s check your homework. Key to exercises:

1. Oraşul este interesant.

2. Laura vrea să meargă la teatru.

3. Merge la restaurant după ce merge la teatru si la muzeu.

And …. if she doesn’t have a car, our Laura will need a …. taxi! In Romanian, it’s the same word: taxi.

Acum citiţi, vă rugăm, următorul dialog (Now, please, read the following dialogue):

  • Laura, hai să chemăm un taxi, te rog!

  • Desigur, imediat!

[021 9478 Alo, un taxi, vă rog, în zona Vitan, pe strada Ozonului, nr 6. (waiting) Da, mulţumesc!]

  • Maşina cu nr 100 va veni în 5 minute!
  • Excelent!
New words & expressions: Pay attention, as we told you last time, some words are similar or very close to English, so it’s again very easy:
  • a chema un taxi = to call for a taxi
  • a veni = to come
  • minut,- e = minute, -s
  • imediat = immediately
  • zonă = zone, area
  • stradă = street
  • excelent = excellent, great

Iar acum, tema (And now, your homework):

Separați cuvintele și propozițiile (split the words and the sentences):

lauravreasămeargălarestauranteacheamăuntaxiînzonauniriiestemaşinacunr10vine in3minutesuper

Till next Thursday, have a great week and don’t forget: when in another country, if one can communicate with the people there, life becomes easier! Moreover, research has shown that general language skills improve after studying foreign languages thus enhancing the better understanding of one’s own language as well.


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