Romanian PM takes over as interim health minister, revokes recently-introduced quarantine criteria

Prime minister Florin Cîţu has taken over as interim health minister after deputy prime minister Dan Barna, the co-president of USR-PLUS alliance, declined the interim post.
“I’m taking over as health minister until our coalition colleagues appoint a minister,” Cîțu said.
Yesterday, April 14, the PM dismissed health minister Vlad Voiculescu, a member of the junior coalition partner USR-PLUS, and Andreea Moldovan, a secretary of state within the Health Ministry appointed by Voiculescu.
The decision came after a Health Ministry order setting new criteria for placing cities under quarantine was published in the Official Gazette. The PM reportedly took issue with the Health Ministry’s top officials not consulting with the other ministers before issuing the order.
The USR-PLUS alliance, the second-largest party of the three that make the center-right ruling coalition in Romania, decided to withdraw its support for the PM after Voiculescu was fired.
Cîţu revoked the order setting new quarantine criteria on April 14. The decision was published in the Official Gazette.
Managing the pandemic and having 1,600 intensive care beds available for Covid-19 patients remain the priorities, the PM said.
Cîţu is expected to have online meetings with the directors of the public health departments (DSP) and the directors of Covid-19 hospitals today, April 15.