Recently released app covers hiking trails in Sibiu county

Fifty-four trails in Sibiu county are available in the recently released app Anii Drumeției (Hiking Years) and on the website of the same name, in a project meant to promote eco-tourism activities in the region.
The app covers 45 trails for hiking in Făgăraș and Cindrel Mountains, nine non-homologated cycling routes already used by the public, routes on the bank of the river Olt suitable for water activities and bird watching, and four equestrian routes around horse riding centers in Apos, Prod and Șelimbăr.
The users of the app can select between various types of trails, such as hiking, cycling, horse-riding or water trails, and various features, such as trails for families or public transport proximity.
Once the preferred trail is selected, the user receives the needed information to cover it, including audio navigation and weather information. Tourists can also report various issues that emerged on the trail, such as undocumented obstacles or the deterioration of the track.
The app, which is available for both Android and iOS, can also be used offline once the trails have been downloaded to the user’s phone.
The program Hiking Years is funded by Sibiu County Council in a partnership with the Sibiu County Tourism Association. Last year, as part of the program, some 120 km of trails were set up. This year, 21 trails were set up in Cindrel Massif, amounting to some 210 km, and another 60 km in Făgăraș, where trails underwent various repair works.
(Photo courtesy of Anii Drumeției)