Romanian public healthcare employees ready to strike over hospital staff shortages

Public healthcare workers in Romania are considering going on a general strike in February over low salaries and the severe staff shortages in hospitals.
Hirings have been blocked for doctors, nurses, and assistants due to government austerity measures, and managers have to wait for a lengthy approval before being able to expand their teams. In the hospitals in Bucharest, nearly 900 doctors are needed, and the situation is even worse nationwide.
The situation is critical even when it comes to the staff supposed to provide medical assistance in school clinics. Bucharest's schools and kindergartens have 461 general medicine clinics, but only 127 doctors, leaving one doctor to handle over 3,000 children.
“Last year, when positions were blocked throughout the budgetary system, we told the prime minister that we cannot function. [...] It has come to a point where one nurse has to do the work of two, or a doctor has to run between two different floors or sections, and so on. The deficit at the national level is over 30,000 positions. Meanwhile, more have retired or left the system,” said Viorel Hușanu, president of the SANITAS Bucharest union branch, cited by Euronews.
The union official also said that the occupancy rate for doctor and nurse positions stood at 80% and 75%, respectively.
“The patient should never suffer because of the incorrect decisions of politicians. It's not our decision to go on strike. We still have the door open for negotiations. Still, we will ensure one-third of the necessary capacity, and we will cover emergencies so that everyone can benefit from a minimum level of medical care,” he added.
The Bucharest College of Physicians added its voice to those asking for more positions to be filled in the Romanian healthcare system. "As the president of the Bucharest College of Physicians, I appeal to the authorities to identify solutions quickly for unblocking positions and organizing competitions in accordance with legal procedures. This measure would also facilitate the integration of those who have completed their Residency and passed their specialty exams into the public healthcare system, allowing them to find employment," said Prof. Dr. Cătălina Poiană, president of the Bucharest College of Physicians, cited by Agerpres.
Difficult situations are encountered especially in the Emergency Rooms of some medical units due to the insufficient number of doctors, warns CMMB.
"We are facing a paradox. We desperately need doctors, there are vacant positions in hospitals, and we have doctors, at least from the perspective of those who have completed their Residency, but hirings are blocked. Young doctors want to stay in the country and will opt for jobs in medical units where they can perform," Cătălina Poiană added.
Staff shortages in hospitals were brought to national attention recently as the "Dr. Victor Gomoiu" Clinical Hospital for Children in Bucharest, flooded with flu cases, came at the risk of suspending its operations.
(Photo source: Thicha Satapitanon |