Romanian language lesson: Refusal phrases

05 September 2012

Some popular refusal phrases and clauses in Romanian are:


Nu sunt de acord cu tine (informal) (I don't agree with you)

Nu sunt de acord cu dumneavoastră (formal) (I don't agree with you)

Greșești (informal) (you are wrong)

Greșiți (formal) (you are wrong)

Nici vorbă (it's out of the question)

Resping categoric ideea (I definitely reject the idea)

Nu vreau (I don't want)

Nu cred (I don't think so)

Nu-mi place (I don't like it)

Ce păcat (what a pity)

Cred că e pierdere de timp (I think it's a waste of time)

Eu nu văd lucrurile așa (That's not how I see things)

Ideea este inacceptabilă (The idea is unacceptable)

În niciun caz (no way)

Sub nicio formă (no way)

Niciodată (Never)

Nu e adevărat (it's not true)

Bineînțeles că nu / sigur că nu (of course not)

E o greșeală (it's a mistake)

Nu sunt sigur de asta (I'm not sure about that)

Mona Pologea, PhD. Linguist

ROLANG School Managing Director


Romanian language lesson: Refusal phrases

05 September 2012

Some popular refusal phrases and clauses in Romanian are:


Nu sunt de acord cu tine (informal) (I don't agree with you)

Nu sunt de acord cu dumneavoastră (formal) (I don't agree with you)

Greșești (informal) (you are wrong)

Greșiți (formal) (you are wrong)

Nici vorbă (it's out of the question)

Resping categoric ideea (I definitely reject the idea)

Nu vreau (I don't want)

Nu cred (I don't think so)

Nu-mi place (I don't like it)

Ce păcat (what a pity)

Cred că e pierdere de timp (I think it's a waste of time)

Eu nu văd lucrurile așa (That's not how I see things)

Ideea este inacceptabilă (The idea is unacceptable)

În niciun caz (no way)

Sub nicio formă (no way)

Niciodată (Never)

Nu e adevărat (it's not true)

Bineînțeles că nu / sigur că nu (of course not)

E o greșeală (it's a mistake)

Nu sunt sigur de asta (I'm not sure about that)

Mona Pologea, PhD. Linguist

ROLANG School Managing Director




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