Press Release: Private Health Insurance: The Life-saving Solution in the Post-pandemic Era?

The country report prepared by the European Commission in 2018 shows that the health status of Romanians has improved compared to previous years but is still below the European Union's standards. Access to medical assistance care remains a major challenge concerning equal opportunities, with negative repercussions on the development of children or the aging of people in good health.
Moreover, public health insurance covers 86% of Romania's population, even though it is a constitutional right, and those in possession of it can have access to medical investigations and limited treatments, but are faced with a long waiting time regarding appointments and are struck by high costs and collateral expenditures. On the other hand, the pandemic has significantly destabilized the public health system, putting pressure on both hospital management as well as on the medical staff in charge of those infected.
Taking into account these indicators, it becomes obvious that the public health system, which is already quite fragile, will certainly be in an even more difficult situation in the future. Thus, for those who want to receive medical care of the highest standards, accessing medical services in the private sector, through private health insurance, is the best option.
Given the current crisis and the consequences of the pandemic that we will see as it passes, private health insurance is one of the most effective solutions by which people can truly take care of their health. Private medical insurance such as MediHelp insurance provides international coverage for serious illnesses, surgeries, accidents or investigations and treatments, Elena Ciobanu, Operations Director, MediHelp International explains.
Health insurance covers the financial risk involved in diagnostic and treatment procedures and is all the more valuable for detecting a serious illness, the treatment of which is very expensive.
Therefore, in the current context, maintaining a good health status is the only goal of any person, regardless of where they live and work. To achieve this, accessing private health insurance, especially one with international coverage similar to the one provided by MediHelp International, is a viable solution. Whether it is about access to the newest and most effective treatments, about the possibility to choose the clinic and the specialist doctor, about the need for personalized medical services, about the efficient management of medical expenses or about the decrease of waiting time, private health insurance seems to be the only solution to all the problems and uncertainties created today.
To find out more about MediHelp solutions which provide access to medical services of the highest standards, we invite you to visit our website and send us a message at
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