MSCI adds more Romanian companies to its indices

Ten companies listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) have been included in the MSCI Frontier IMI and MSCI Romania IMI (Investable Market Indices), according to an MSCI note. These indices comprise companies from the categories of Small Cap, Mid Cap and Large Cap.
"The increase of Romania's presence in the MSCI indices is a new signal for the local market, which is still classified as a Frontier Market by the global index provider," said Adrian Tanase, Bucharest Stock Exchange CEO.
The ten companies are BVB itself, companies in the IT sector (Arobs, Bittnet, Safetech), green engineering company Simtel Team but also companies in traditional sectors (Aquila - FMCG distribution, Purcari - winery, Sphera - restaurants and TTS - river transportation).
At the same time, six other Romanian companies (Electrica, MedLife, One United Properties, Teraplast, Transelectrica and Transgaz) will be promoted from Small Cap to Mid Cap/Large Cap. They will thus be part of the MSCI Frontier and MSCI Romania indices that only include Mid Cap and Large Cap companies.
In MSCI Frontier Markets indices, Romania is also represented by Banca Transilvania (TLV), BRD Groupe Societe Generale (BRD), Hidroelectrica (H2O), Nuclearelectrica (SNN), OMV Petrom (SNP) and Romgaz (SNG).
(Photo source: Negotin8/