Current time in Romania

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29 February 2012

Romanian online retailer plans to achieve a turnover of EUR 180 million this year, after

29 February 2012

The final figure for the European Central Bank's long term refinancing operation are in – EUR 529

29 February 2012

The Romanian Parliament  recently approved the draft amendment to combat domestic violence. The

29 February 2012

On March 1, Romanians celebrate the coming of spring in their own unique way - through the symbolic

29 February 2012

Erste Group, the parent company of Romanian lender BCR, has put aside money for severance payments

29 February 2012

The price of agricultural land in Romania has gone up in recent years, but is still 3 to 7 times

29 February 2012

The growth in consumer prices slowed down in Romania, to a yearly inflation rate of 2.8 percent in

29 February 2012

Over a million of Romania's 19 million inhabitants have a rare disease, and three quarters of them

29 February 2012

BCR Group saw its net profit drop further last year, to EUR 16.1 million, just one seventh of the

29 February 2012

Romania's investments in wind energy could continue on an upwards trend. Romania has risen to 10th

29 February 2012

Romania has blocked the decision on Serbia's EU accession during the European Affairs Ministers'

28 February 2012

The 'on again', 'off again' meeting on setting up a new eurozone firewall, or bailout fund, at this



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