New rules for quarantine in Romania

Romania’s Ministry of Health has drawn up an order introducing new criteria for quarantining localities.
The level of COVID testing becomes the main factor, along with the incidence rate, its dynamics and level, and occupancy rate of hospital beds and intensive care beds, reported.
The order signed by Secretary of State Andreea Moldovan was already published in the Official Gazette on Tuesday. It defines a score based on certain criteria.
The more points a locality has, the more serious the epidemiological situation is and it can be quarantined. Thus, municipalities and metropolitan areas with over 100,000 inhabitants risk being quarantined if they have at least 60 points, and the rest of localities if they have at least 70 points.
The cumulative incidence rate in 14 days from which 30 points are assigned is 3 cases per thousand inhabitants If the incidence rate is rising, another 20 points are added.
(Photo source: Cateyeoerspective/