EU countries, Moldova offer Romania help in Covid-19 crisis

Twenty doctors and nurses from the Republic of Moldova will be assigned to the hospital in Lețcani, in northeastern Romania's Iași county, to help treat Covid-19 patients, state secretary Raed Arafat announced on October 15.
Romania has requested assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as it faces a surge in Covid-19 cases against low vaccination uptake.
On Saturday, October 16, 15 ventilators and eight oxygen concentrators offered by Denmark via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism arrived in the country.
So far, Romania has received 200 oxygen concentrators from the rescEU strategic medical stockpile hosted by the Netherlands, 50 oxygen concentrators from Poland, and 5,200 vials of monoclonal antibodies from Italy.
"The EU stands by Romania's side as COVID-19 continues to pose a threat to human lives and puts the health system of this EU Member State under enormous strain. I would like to thank Denmark, Italy, Poland, and The Netherlands for their swift assistance to Romania. Romania has been a very active member of the EU Civil Protection family, helping other countries throughout the pandemic. The latest deliveries to Romania are proof that EU solidarity always works in both directions," Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said.
Romania has also started transferring several Covid-19 patients to neighboring Hungary amid an increase in the number of critical cases and a shortage of intensive care beds.
(Photo: Octav Ganea/ Inquam Photos)